FCI Nr.165
Origin: Italy
size: females and males max. 30 cm
weight : kg 5
colors : white, red, is champagne allowed
meaning of the name :
Volpino is, literally, "little fox" - is hence also known as fox dog, the fox-like appearance of the dogs
On the Origin of Racial :
- side line of the top European
- During the Renaissance Begleithund der italienischen Adelsdamen beliebt; auch Michelangelo besaß einen Volpino Italiano. Er wurde allerdings auch immer als Wachhund auf Bauernhöfen gehalten
- Nach dem 2.Weltkrieg nahm der Bestand des Volpino Italino ständig ab; 1965 waren nur noch 5 Examplare im Zuchtbuch eingetragen; der Volpino verschwand bis 1984; der ENCI (italienische kynologische Verband) begann die Rasse zu neuem Leben zu erwecken; die neue Zucht der Rasse basiert auf Tieren die auf Bauernhöfen gehalten und nie registriert wurden
Besonderheiten zur Fellfarbe Rot :
- die Fellfarbe „Rot“ (im ital. rosso oder auch fulvo) gilt heute als fast ausgestorben. Es gibt Bemühungen, diese Farbe wieder zu neuem to give life. I myself could I find a breeder in Umbria / Perugia, which breeds at the time, except the white and red Volpini, although these dogs are not for sale!
character :
- very affectionate and their people loyal to
- to strangers, at first somewhat reluctant
- right to bark, which can be, however, steered by an appropriate education in the right direction
- educate very intelligent and easily
- born guard dog
- barely existing hunting instinct
use :
- Companion Dog
- Small watchdog
- In the past he has always tägliches Brot auf den Masserien (typische ital. Bauernhöfe) verdient – zur Unterstützung der größeren Wachhunde; auch als Helfer der Hütehunde
- In der Toskana wurde er in der Vergangenheit auch für die Trüffelsuche verwendet, auch aufgrund seines kaum vorhandenen Jagdtriebes
- Agility in der Miniklasse
Verbreitung in Deutschland und anderen Ländern :
In Deutschland ist der Volpino so gut wie unbekannt; in Italien verzeichnet man konstante Zuchtbucheinträge, aber gering im Vergleich zu „moderneren“ Rassen; Rasseclubs findet man auch in den Vereinigten Staaten/Kanada, sowie Südamerika (Argentinien)
Rasseclubs :
Italy: ENCI (Ente Nazionale di Cinofilia Italiana) http://www.enci.it/ ; Avati (Associazione Tecnica Amatori Volpino) http://www.volpinoatavi.it/home% 20page.htm
Germany: the breed is maintained by the German Spitz eV http://www.deutsche-spitze.de/start.html
Some nice pictures can be found on the following page: http://www.volpinoatavi. it / foto% 20gallery.htm
My personal experience: I am 12 years
Proud Owner of a Spitz mix. The mother of my dog was clearly a Volpino mix. At that time I knew next to nothing über diese schöne Rasse. Heute kann ich mir ein Leben ohne meinen treuen Begleiter nicht mehr vorstellen. Trotz ihrer relativ geringen Größe, sind sie durchaus Hunde die man ernstnehmen sollte: unbestechlicher Wächter und treuer Begleiter; mutig und intelligent!
Auf einer italienischer Züchterhompage habe ich einmal den treffen Spruch gelesen: „Un cane per la vita“ – ein Hund fürs Leben.
Mein persönliches Fazit: einmal Volpino – immer Volpino
Ich hoffe, dass wieder mehr Menschen diese "alte" Rasse zu schätzen lernen und würde mich freuen auch die Farbe Rot wieder auf Ausstellungen zu sehen.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
New Orleans Best Brazilian Wax
Italian breeds
Ich möchte eine kurze Übersicht beyond the officially recognized Italian breeds that give some still relatively unknown outside their home country are:
Bracco Italiano or Italian Pointer
A typical pointer, a native of Northern Italy.
Spinone Italiano or Italian Rauharriger Pointing
were also among the continental pointing dogs and is used for hunting in different terrains. Characteristic is his rough coat.
Segugio Italiano a Pelo Raso or short-haired Italian Hound
Segugio Italiano a Pelo Forte or wire-haired Italian Hound
Both races are among the so-called running dogs and differ mainly in the coat, and required minimal in size.
Lagotto Romagnolo or water dog Romagne
Initially he was counting on the water dogs, which can also easily recognized in his curly hair. Today he is regarded as the specialist in the search for truffles.
Cane da Pastore Bergamasco or Bergamasco sheepdog
characteristic is its long fur, which is arranged in "panels" should cover the whole body of the dog. This is the dog whose task is not only the leader but also guard the sheep was / is protected from the elements.
Cane da Pastore Abruzzese Maremmano or Maremma-Abruzzi Sheepdog
A large white livestock guardian dog that has developed in the center and working independently.
Is one of the Bichon-type dogs and is a small, bright and ideal family dog.
A detailed breed description coming soon in this Blog.
Mastino Napoletano
A tall, with up to 90 kg and measuring about 75 cm, impressive Molosser.
Cirneco of Etna
A very ancient breeds, one of the so-called ur-type dogs and has grown in Sicily, where it was used on difficult terrain for hunting hares.
Cane Corso or Corso Dog
A typical, but not very heavily built Molosser. The breed originated in southern Italy.
Piccolo Levriero Italiano or Italian Greyhound
The smallest existing greyhound race, which was originally used for rabbits and rabbit hunting.
Volpino or Italian fox dog
A detailed description of the breed standard will follow shortly.
Ich möchte eine kurze Übersicht beyond the officially recognized Italian breeds that give some still relatively unknown outside their home country are:
Bracco Italiano or Italian Pointer
A typical pointer, a native of Northern Italy.
Spinone Italiano or Italian Rauharriger Pointing
were also among the continental pointing dogs and is used for hunting in different terrains. Characteristic is his rough coat.
Segugio Italiano a Pelo Raso or short-haired Italian Hound
Segugio Italiano a Pelo Forte or wire-haired Italian Hound
Both races are among the so-called running dogs and differ mainly in the coat, and required minimal in size.
Lagotto Romagnolo or water dog Romagne
Initially he was counting on the water dogs, which can also easily recognized in his curly hair. Today he is regarded as the specialist in the search for truffles.
Cane da Pastore Bergamasco or Bergamasco sheepdog
characteristic is its long fur, which is arranged in "panels" should cover the whole body of the dog. This is the dog whose task is not only the leader but also guard the sheep was / is protected from the elements.
Cane da Pastore Abruzzese Maremmano or Maremma-Abruzzi Sheepdog
A large white livestock guardian dog that has developed in the center and working independently.
Is one of the Bichon-type dogs and is a small, bright and ideal family dog.
A detailed breed description coming soon in this Blog.
Mastino Napoletano
A tall, with up to 90 kg and measuring about 75 cm, impressive Molosser.
Cirneco of Etna
A very ancient breeds, one of the so-called ur-type dogs and has grown in Sicily, where it was used on difficult terrain for hunting hares.
Cane Corso or Corso Dog
A typical, but not very heavily built Molosser. The breed originated in southern Italy.
Piccolo Levriero Italiano or Italian Greyhound
The smallest existing greyhound race, which was originally used for rabbits and rabbit hunting.
Volpino or Italian fox dog
A detailed description of the breed standard will follow shortly.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Why Does The Arch Of My Feet Hurt When I Skate
... Arabian Nights
chance I am today came across an article on the Salento, Santa Cesarea Terme, in the Berliner Zeitung. When he appeared in January 2004, it seems to me even today still thoroughly researched to date and well (... even for someone who has been living in this beautiful corner of Italy). Background reading
A few pictures to confirm the impression of the author:
the coast in Santa Cesarea Terme:
chance I am today came across an article on the Salento, Santa Cesarea Terme, in the Berliner Zeitung. When he appeared in January 2004, it seems to me even today still thoroughly researched to date and well (... even for someone who has been living in this beautiful corner of Italy). Background reading
A few pictures to confirm the impression of the author:
From Santa Cesarea Terme 2007 |
of Santa Cesarea Terme 2007 |
From Santa Cesarea Terme 2007 |
From Santa Cesarea Terme 2007 |
From Santa Cesarea Terme |
the coast in Santa Cesarea Terme:
From Santa Cesarea Terme |
Is Xanax Legal In Indonesia
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Spanish Wording Samples For Wedding Invitations
street dogs imagine
Über das Streunerproblem in den südeuropäischen Ländern wird zur Zeit viel in den entsprechenden Internetforen geschrieben.
Apulien ist eine der Regionen Italiens mit der höchsten Anzahl an Straßenhunden und leider sind auch viele Tierheime überfüllt.
Kastrationen von Straßenhunden werden, zumindest bei uns im Ort, durchgeführt, aber da immer wieder neue Hunde hinzukommen, ist eine Lösung des Problems noch in weiter Ferne.
Positiv fällt auf, dass gerade die younger generation is increasingly sensitive over this issue, and also engaged in the animals.
I would like you to show you some images of our street dogs, including Luna and Ben, we feed every day and who are regularly on our property.
Ben a beautiful German Shepherd mix and about four years old. He was suspended in the summer of 2007, has spent the first time in the center until it the way found us.
The basic commands he already knew and leads them all the way to "shepherd style", with breathtaking. Unfortunately, he has to make today a very great fear of leash and collar, which visits to the vet with him not easy. But it behaves well in the car, as exemplary in the veterinary practice.
We hope that he is up to our move into our new house happens not because we like them to "proof" would have us.
In this picture Ben is seen with Neo. Neo was also suspended in summer 2007 and was starving when we found him.
Neo and Ben got along well, as you can see from the image below, the wild game.
Neo in the summer of 2008 finally found a new home. Italian tourist he is liked so much (he has always shown a really engaging and fun activities), so they brought him at the end of the leave have.
In January 2008, two pups exposed to a shop and we then agreed that both take with us until a definitive accommodation for them was found.
Neo and Ben have also actively taken care of with us for the little ones:
Innerhalb weniger Wochen sind beide Welpen vermittelt worden.
Ungefähr zur gleichen Zeit wie Ben, wurde auch Luna, damals mit Welpen ausgesetzt. Ihr Nachwuchs hat leider nicht überlebt.
Wer bei Luna alles mitgemischt hat, ist schwierig zu sagen. Sie hat einen sehr eigenen Charakter, ist freundlich dem Menschen gegenüber, verteidigt "ihr" Revier allerdings gegen andere Hunde - insbesondere Hündinnen. Allerdings ist ihr Verhalten sehr "ritualisiert" und den Hunden wird auch nicht ein Haar gekrümmt. Interessanterweise werden Hunde an der Leine von ihr ignoriert!
Luna wurde von unserer Gemeinde kastriert und gechipt; somit gehört sie zu den offiziellen "Einwohnern" von Santa Cesarea Terme.
Leider ist nicht allen Straßenhunden ein so gutes Schicksal beschieden, wie z.B. Neo. Folgende Hunde haben fast zwei Jahre bei uns im Ort gelebt. Alle wurden im Sommer 2008 vergiftet!
Only one female survived and is still to be found in our village. They, too, of course, is neutered and chipped. To her
joined this winter, the beautiful, young and very playful dog, "Bianca". Their outstanding feature is a blue and a brown-black eye. Otherwise, it resembles a small side to Labrador.
More pictures of dogs that were castrated during the last two years:
... from the district Vitigliano, a small pointed hybrid lady who is very anxious.
My particular favorite Kira
Kira hat recht schnell ein neues Zuhause gefunden. Das Foto wird ihr leider nicht gerecht. Sie ist einer der freundlichsten Hunde, die mir je begegnet sind. Noch heute treffe ich sie regelmäßig auf unseren Spaziergängen und werden immer sehr stürmisch begrüßt.
Ein paar Bilder von der hübschen Hündin Maya:
Maya wurde ebenfalls 2007 ausgesetzt; sie war noch kein Jahr alt, als ich sie auf einem unserer Spaziergänge getroffen habe. Für sie wurde ebenfalls eine Zuhause gefunden.
Über das Streunerproblem in den südeuropäischen Ländern wird zur Zeit viel in den entsprechenden Internetforen geschrieben.
Apulien ist eine der Regionen Italiens mit der höchsten Anzahl an Straßenhunden und leider sind auch viele Tierheime überfüllt.
Kastrationen von Straßenhunden werden, zumindest bei uns im Ort, durchgeführt, aber da immer wieder neue Hunde hinzukommen, ist eine Lösung des Problems noch in weiter Ferne.
Positiv fällt auf, dass gerade die younger generation is increasingly sensitive over this issue, and also engaged in the animals.
I would like you to show you some images of our street dogs, including Luna and Ben, we feed every day and who are regularly on our property.
From street dogs |
Ben a beautiful German Shepherd mix and about four years old. He was suspended in the summer of 2007, has spent the first time in the center until it the way found us.
The basic commands he already knew and leads them all the way to "shepherd style", with breathtaking. Unfortunately, he has to make today a very great fear of leash and collar, which visits to the vet with him not easy. But it behaves well in the car, as exemplary in the veterinary practice.
We hope that he is up to our move into our new house happens not because we like them to "proof" would have us.
From street dogs |
In this picture Ben is seen with Neo. Neo was also suspended in summer 2007 and was starving when we found him.
From street dogs |
Neo and Ben got along well, as you can see from the image below, the wild game.
From street dogs |
Neo in the summer of 2008 finally found a new home. Italian tourist he is liked so much (he has always shown a really engaging and fun activities), so they brought him at the end of the leave have.
From street dogs |
In January 2008, two pups exposed to a shop and we then agreed that both take with us until a definitive accommodation for them was found.
Neo and Ben have also actively taken care of with us for the little ones:
From street dogs |
Von Straßenhunde |
Innerhalb weniger Wochen sind beide Welpen vermittelt worden.
Ungefähr zur gleichen Zeit wie Ben, wurde auch Luna, damals mit Welpen ausgesetzt. Ihr Nachwuchs hat leider nicht überlebt.
Von Straßenhunde |
Von Straßenhunde |
Wer bei Luna alles mitgemischt hat, ist schwierig zu sagen. Sie hat einen sehr eigenen Charakter, ist freundlich dem Menschen gegenüber, verteidigt "ihr" Revier allerdings gegen andere Hunde - insbesondere Hündinnen. Allerdings ist ihr Verhalten sehr "ritualisiert" und den Hunden wird auch nicht ein Haar gekrümmt. Interessanterweise werden Hunde an der Leine von ihr ignoriert!
Luna wurde von unserer Gemeinde kastriert und gechipt; somit gehört sie zu den offiziellen "Einwohnern" von Santa Cesarea Terme.
Leider ist nicht allen Straßenhunden ein so gutes Schicksal beschieden, wie z.B. Neo. Folgende Hunde haben fast zwei Jahre bei uns im Ort gelebt. Alle wurden im Sommer 2008 vergiftet!
of street dogs |
From street dogs |
Only one female survived and is still to be found in our village. They, too, of course, is neutered and chipped. To her
joined this winter, the beautiful, young and very playful dog, "Bianca". Their outstanding feature is a blue and a brown-black eye. Otherwise, it resembles a small side to Labrador.
From street dogs |
From street dogs |
More pictures of dogs that were castrated during the last two years:
From street dogs |
... from the district Vitigliano, a small pointed hybrid lady who is very anxious.
My particular favorite Kira
Von Straßenhunde |
Kira hat recht schnell ein neues Zuhause gefunden. Das Foto wird ihr leider nicht gerecht. Sie ist einer der freundlichsten Hunde, die mir je begegnet sind. Noch heute treffe ich sie regelmäßig auf unseren Spaziergängen und werden immer sehr stürmisch begrüßt.
Ein paar Bilder von der hübschen Hündin Maya:
Von Straßenhunde |
Von Straßenhunde |
Maya wurde ebenfalls 2007 ausgesetzt; sie war noch kein Jahr alt, als ich sie auf einem unserer Spaziergänge getroffen habe. Für sie wurde ebenfalls eine Zuhause gefunden.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Ibeat Illuminated Headphones
Spring liegt in der Luft
Es riecht nach Frühling ... auf den Wiesen und Feldern blüht es, die Schwalben, wie auch andere Zugvögel sind da und wir genießen die noch milde Wetterlage, bevor der Sommer mit seinen hohen Temperaturen kommt.
Was kann mehr Spaß machen, als bei diesem Wetter mit seinen Hunden Aktivitäten in der Natur zu unternehmen?
Für mich sind und bleiben, trotz allerlei „moderner“ Aktivitäten, die man heute oftmals mit seinen Hunden takes, still the most beautiful, where I explore with my dogs, the environment, and nature in the truest sense of the word "sniff out", look under fallen tree trunks, wild plants admire and enjoy the cycle of the seasons still can.
for dogs and humans, it is a very relaxing and also bond together to stop promoting activity in the country - and with some imagination and without a lot of tools, a simple stroll can turn into an interesting investigation course, which all have their fun with.
The olive harvest has been completed for some time, so that the olive groves are currently happy to be investigated by us.
Auf der Mauer lässt es sich auch balancieren ...
... and as always, Tommy on the move:
course, you can enjoy with your dog just the view and the warm sunshine under a blue sky .
Bruna overlooking the sea:
Bruna below of " la Torre di Santa Cesarea "
A few pictures of Santa Cesarea Terme and the channel of Otranto should not of course missing:
often on our walks, narrow dirt roads Vapours where one or other of rosemary bush with its scent attracts the bees. The dry stone walls along many streets and roads are typical of the Salento.
In mild spring temperatures also makes cycling with Tommy fun . My dog laughs in the truest sense of the word, all over her face when a person enters into the pedals.
arrived at our destination, must only be inserted a short break in the Pineta.
Even on the simple, if somewhat rocky Meadow there's always plenty to sniff ... and here too the gap is welcome.
Our almost dreizehjährige Mora is still all there:
Es riecht nach Frühling ... auf den Wiesen und Feldern blüht es, die Schwalben, wie auch andere Zugvögel sind da und wir genießen die noch milde Wetterlage, bevor der Sommer mit seinen hohen Temperaturen kommt.
Was kann mehr Spaß machen, als bei diesem Wetter mit seinen Hunden Aktivitäten in der Natur zu unternehmen?
Für mich sind und bleiben, trotz allerlei „moderner“ Aktivitäten, die man heute oftmals mit seinen Hunden takes, still the most beautiful, where I explore with my dogs, the environment, and nature in the truest sense of the word "sniff out", look under fallen tree trunks, wild plants admire and enjoy the cycle of the seasons still can.
for dogs and humans, it is a very relaxing and also bond together to stop promoting activity in the country - and with some imagination and without a lot of tools, a simple stroll can turn into an interesting investigation course, which all have their fun with.
The olive harvest has been completed for some time, so that the olive groves are currently happy to be investigated by us.
Von Santa Cesarea Terme und Hunde 2009 |
Von Santa Cesarea Terme und Hunde 2009 |
Von Santa Cesarea Terme und Hunde 2009 |
Von Santa Cesarea Terme und Hunde 2009 |
Auf der Mauer lässt es sich auch balancieren ...
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009 |
... and as always, Tommy on the move:
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009 |
course, you can enjoy with your dog just the view and the warm sunshine under a blue sky .
Bruna overlooking the sea:
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009 |
Bruna below of " la Torre di Santa Cesarea "
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009 |
A few pictures of Santa Cesarea Terme and the channel of Otranto should not of course missing:
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009 |
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009 |
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009 |
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009 |
often on our walks, narrow dirt roads Vapours where one or other of rosemary bush with its scent attracts the bees. The dry stone walls along many streets and roads are typical of the Salento.
From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009 |
From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009 |
From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009 |
In mild spring temperatures also makes cycling with Tommy fun . My dog laughs in the truest sense of the word, all over her face when a person enters into the pedals.
From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009 |
Primavera 2009 |
arrived at our destination, must only be inserted a short break in the Pineta.
From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009 |
From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009 |
From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009 |
Even on the simple, if somewhat rocky Meadow there's always plenty to sniff ... and here too the gap is welcome.
From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009 |
From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009 |
Our almost dreizehjährige Mora is still all there:
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009 |
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009 |
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009 |
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009 |
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