Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Painful Ears When Laughing

Ben and Bruno

Since my last post already been some weeks. In the meantime, have my two "B's " Ben and Bruna met.

Ben comes to us as a welcome counter
From Bruna and Ben
Although Bruno had in their lives, unfortunately, little contact with large dogs, was won the first meeting with Ben, in turn, after some hesitation, not a big problem for them. Ben was thrilled about the female society. Bruna, however, showed him in a short time, the freedoms of "Mr. Dog" must be removed to her over and which are permitted under any circumstances, after such a short introductory period.
Bruna and Ben
From When Ben is something to research, such as "nibbling" at Bruna's neck fur or rude terms, boorish game calls, it shows in the still short their teeth, of which it will also be accepted immediately and he accordingly withdrew.

was my impression that Bruna, even if it makes a very quiet and gentle impression that Ben already rated quite good and not applying too much respect for him. In short, "Madame" has "Mr. dog," already well under control - but he has not yet seen (as in real life).
From Bruna and Ben

We estimate that their common coexistence no particular problem, since it both dogs are accustomed to live in packs and they do not appear to unwell together feel.
From Bruna and Ben