Hundeernährung: BARF
Biologically Artgerechtes Raw Food
more often than you hear the term BARF dog owners. In many forums to read your statement: "I barf my dog." Also, there are now several books on the subject and even the mirror BARF dedicated in September 2008 article.
But what is BARF and what does this abbreviation?
the term BARF stands for Bones and Raw Food (bones and raw food) or for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food, which in German is often translated as Biologically Artgerechtes Raw diets. The Canadian Debbie Tripp was the first to the term BARF. However, the original idea came from the Australian veterinarian Dr. Ian Billinghurst. In 1993, it published on the subject, the book "Give Your Dog a Bone".
The term refers to the BARF diet of the dog with raw meat, bones, raw vegetables and some other additions to the original diet of the wolf, the ancestor of our domestic dog imitate. In the wild feeds on a wolf, not only in muscle meat but also of the stomach contents of its prey, as well as berries, insects, herbs, small rodents etc.
It is believed that the digestive tract and the physiology of the dog, in spite of the domestication is to compare well with that of the wolf. The time span of 15 000 years, since the dog lives with humans is proven, too short to make a related change in evolution of the digestive tract possible. Since the war, the "modern" domestic dog is increasingly fed with manufactured commercial food, was nach Meinung vieler BARF Befürworter oftmals zuviel Getreide, minderwertige Proteinquellen und schädliche Zusätze enthalte und somit für eine Vielzahl von gesundheitlichen Problemen des Hundes verantwortlich gemacht wird. Zu diesem Thema gibt es viele, teilweise sehr kontrovers geführte Diskussionen im Internet. Sehr interessant fand ich folgenden Artikel "BARF oder nicht barf?" in der Hundezeitung .
Die BARF Kritiker führen als Argumente gegen diese Ernährungsweise oft an, dass es schwierig sei einen Hund eine selbst zusammen gestellte Ernährung zu bieten, ohne dass es mit der Zeit zur Über- oder Unterversorgung von Vitaminen, Proteinen, essential Felltsäuren etc. came. It is often pointed out the danger of salmonella in raw meat and worms. Another argument against BARF often the risk of tooth fracture, or even the violation is called by bone fragments.
I realize only some of the arguments for and against the Rohernährung have listed by dogs as any dog owner himself has to make a picture of himself and ultimately the advantages and disadvantages of each feeding method has to weigh.
My own dogs are gebarft for just over 1.5 years. I opted for this method of feeding, since one of my dogs do not tolerate different cereals. It also seemed durchaus möglich auch heute noch seinen Hunden frische, abwechslungsreiche und gesunde Kost zu bieten ohne auf Fertigfutter zurück greifen zu müssen. Nach der Futterumstellung konnte ich Veränderungen an meinen Hunden beobachten, die mich mehr und mehr davon überzeugt haben, den richtigen Schritt gemacht zu haben.
Diese kurze Einführung zum Thema BARF habe ich vor wenigen Monaten in unserem Hundeforum erstellt:
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