In a previous post I reported on Road Dogs Ben (for reference street dogs ). We hope that we can include it in the near future, forever in our packs.
In the interim, daily visits, grooming, feeding and games be enough with it yet. is
By Ben |
Ben a very eager learner and the "work" with him gives pleasure, since he is the man really quite simple. Particularly enjoyed the food, he seems to have dummy, he now very good, retrieves without (like my own dogs make it very much) chewing and shaking chairs, and then to "command", this also reflects his people. A reward is of course right away.
sits, space and other elements of traditional dog training, he mastered very well. I must confess that one to Ben many things only once and must indicate to execute it very promptly and safely - my own dogs, especially Tommy and Bruna are not so much fast and sometimes need re, urging.
By Ben |
However, Ben also shows a pronounced fear of lines, ropes and collars. Meanwhile, we are but at least so far that I can not touch him so easily without it running away in terror (which was his first reaction when I told him, wanted to move in ignorance, a necklace). After all, practice in small progress that makes me quite optimistic in the near future with the leash to him.
I assume that he is no good in the past experience mit Leinen gemacht hat, auch wenn dies, wie es meist bei Hunden mit ungewisser Vergangenheit ist, eine reine Vermutung bleiben muss.
Von Ben |
Wie immer kann ich mich nur wundern, wie Menschen einen so schönen, liebenswerte und gelehrigen Hund, ohne Skrupel aussetzen und ihm seinem Schicksal überlassen. Auch hier bleibe ich optimistisch, dass zumindest die jüngere Generation sich sensibler gegenüber diesem Thema zeigt und mehr Verantwortung übernimmt!
Von Ben |
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