Rangordnung??was soll das?
I get more and more that there is in Santa Rosa is a certain hierarchy among the children what I actually quite disturbing, because it is always beaten down on the weak. Angelika, who sets the tone at all, is only 7 years, ie a play of the youngest, but she decides who is allowed, and roared around her skin sometimes. What shocked me is that sometimes I am powerless RICHITGE it, because even if I say you can play along anyway, the kids would keep it ... the "weakest" is one of the Sisters of Octavio, including from the Costa and only recently since she's just not at all integrated into the group and is only 5 years old, can hardly defend themselves. All keep hitting on her, yelling at us, they call it a "bad". I try really have to work against it, I've been with them today really talked long and seriously and try to make myself accessible and behind them ... oh, these kids, they always need a slap on the can, but just have sies containing learned from their parents!
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