Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Do Deseased Premium Bonds

let me fall.

I just had to get out
I had to go away
I no longer thought of
and so I go now, now
is where it is
main matter, away from here
away from the stress away away from all
and from you

Slowly it was dripping, but I protected me, I
run to second it does worry me nothing
is my mind free and empty
no doubt
my past a shit's worth

on such a rainy day like today, I go jogging really prefer a round with my dog and swimming with chocolate bath essence: D:))

What Pokemon Does May Have

Water in the olive grove

A few pictures from yesterday: With Tommy and Mora in the olive grove road

the age you go more slowly through the water ;-)

... but this does not apply to Tommy (on the left side of the image is just visible as it runs through the large puddles). Tommy might not like to swim, but chasing waves at the beach or walk through puddles and splash the water on every side can - as "laughs" he throughout the dog's face.

And Mora again, 15 years old ...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Macbook Pro Burner Not Working


The best memories are the ones you can not remember.

(I & Svea aka Cindy aka Kasimir COLOGNE )

and morning goes with my beautiful girl to Dortmund (:

Friday, March 4, 2011

Electric Box 1 Level 31

here we are in the best years of our life.

Sabrina, me, Frank and Shehnil after one of our countless visits Café;)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Transcend Ram Replacement In Bangalore

If the dog gets older ...

This spring, our oldest dog already fifteen years old. Age does slowly, but surely noticeable: your hearing has deteriorated severely, due to age was diagnosed with a mild arthritis and their eyes to see it.

The hearing she hardly seems to mind. Because, as a typical Spitz hybrid of southern Italy, has always been very attentive and responded to hand signals, we now communicate more with gestures - but usually we know even without many words and grand gestures, what would one from the other - after years of This gathering is perhaps all by itself.
Osteoarthritis makes itself felt in so far that Mora does not jump as much as in recent years. But extensive, albeit quiet walks or even swim in the sea (the only one of our dogs, who could develop a great passion for the moist element), does so far no harm. As our veterinarian Moras general condition for their age is very satisfied, we can not really complain, especially when I consider with what health problem much younger dogs to fight already have.

In terms of nutrition, I have not yet changed. Our dogs have been almost four years "Gebarft. The shift from the usual dry food to BARF came after us, now twelve year old Tommy, an allergy to wheat and oats developed. The change did all of our dogs very well. Mora has to this day, especially for a dog her age, a very good skin. For years, they quickly got problems with streaming eyes - which has disappeared entirely from the diet.
Mora has of course still a very good appetite (as opposed to the Futtermäkler, who was in his early years), digested, and veal bones, chicken backs - wings or whole chicken legs still without problems and with a speed to our younger dogs in no way inferior.

We hope trigger further we spend many years with Mora. One must finally be the oldest dog in Italy!

Some pictures from this afternoon (and sometimes are Mora and I like traveling alone ;-))
For the first puddle we go about ...

... the second is already in the middle but by!

"Water Mirror"

Easy Mora ...

Monday, February 28, 2011

Load My Atv Over A Toolbox


So I'll also be hearing from me what I write to you briefly about my main activity now. One of the guys in the Comedor has really broken teeth, that's me I have noticed I have been here. Now I spend most mornings in the hospital with him where the dentists for children are free. Since there is so much to do that we must often go there. Meanwhile, we already know everyone in the hospital. The pediatrician is really good and can be very good with children, which has surprised me here in a normal public hospital.

also come across many festivals now up to us. Me and Stefan have a birthday and is also Carnival, Ambato hard and and and I am so excited and will report more from the next week;)

Green And Pink Lines On Tv Sanding

jupiter jones-still

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Male Genital Piercings -ampallang

ferry Italy - Greece with dog

the Sunrise with dog on the ferry between Brindisi (I) and Igoumenitsa (Gr) enjoy.

A Marine who is funny, a sea journey is beautiful ... As it says in the old, well known folk song. Spring is coming and the one or the other plans, perhaps deserved vacation with his dog. After snow, rain and gray weather, one longs for sun and sea. A trip to Greece is always a Erlbnis, but it looks like the dog on the ferry?

My personal experience with dog on the ferry are quite positive.
In general, dogs are only on the deck or in the for Hunde vorgesehenen Zwingern erlaubt. Der Hund ist selbstverständlich an der Leine zu führen und soll einen Maulkorb tragen. Unser Tommy, ein mittelgroßer Mischlingsrüde, hat keinen Maulkorb getragen - welcher aber griffbereit im Handgepäck steckte, falls jemand danach fragen sollte. Der Fall ist natürlich nicht eingetreten ;-)

Auf einigen Fähren, die Ancona und Venedig mit Griechenland verbinden, besteht die Möglichkeit, den Hund gegen Aufpreis, und in einer Transportbox, mit in die Kabine zu nehmen. Jede Fährgesellschaft scheint hier ihre eigenen Angebote und Vorschriften zu haben.

Am einfachsten ist es für all diejenigen, die mit Wohnmobil " Camping On Board " buchen, wo der Hund im vertrauten, fahrbaren Untersatz bleiben kann.

Die kürzeste Überfahrt von Italien nach Griechenland besteht von Brindisi nach Igoumenitsa-Patras . Auf allen, zumindest mir bekannten Fähren, die diese Route fahren, waren Hunde auf Deck kostenlos. Die Möglichkeit mit Hund gemeinsam in der Kabine zu reisen besteht nicht (Stand September 2010). Aber bei einer Fahrt von etwas über acht Stunden, von Brindisi nach Igoumenitsa , ist dies sicherlich auch nicht unbedingt nötig.

Bis hier die Theorie, nun die Praxis: Spätestens bei Regen bekommt man auf Deck ein kleines Problem. Eventually the water will of course also on the boards and wet feet and legs are guaranteed. An eight-hour overnight crossing can be extremely long and cold and you should in this case, if a dog is used to draw quite the dog kennel considered.
on some ferries, however, these have me as a dirty, small and described by any dog owner acceptable. From one of the ships of the company Agoudimos operating between Brindisi-Corfu-Igoumenitsa April to October, I can not say this, however. The kennels were on the camping deck were quite clean and spacious, and emergency means an alternative - but usually it rains from spring to fall between southern Italy and Greece little.

Our dog has said it liked on the ferry. The highlight for him was when I rolled out at a late hour, the sleeping bag and I was comfortable to sleep at night. With "mistress" to spend the night together on the concrete "planks", the dog seems to like very much.

A crossing on the ferry seems to be less strenuous than many long car ride for the dogs. You can walk on the deck, watch the sunrise and sunset with the dog to relax and to leave . Forward

Monday, February 21, 2011

Marijuana Detox For Women


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Aveeno Vs Neutrogena Spf Moisturizer

Aufraeumaktion in Cayambe

This week we went for 2 days after Cayambe (about 1 hour from Quito) to help with a project there. The
were 5 families who are particularly affected by poverty. We have distributed food to families on the second day and cleaned up a house. The mother is blind and the blind Grandmother straight on. No one in the family can work and why they live on their own field. Because they are blind, just look out their house accordingly. The house was about 8 m2, is indeed quite new (donated), but that's after a couple of months have been very dirty and the remains of the old house (that all Possible wood and plastic) is simply everywhere lying around outside. We just cleaned everything and cleaned up, garbage collected ... dog skulls, old toilets to have the grass ingrown clothing found in the garden, collected the plastic from the field and Co.
Now we are all quite finished and all have a mad-sunburn because we have been working just 5 hours in the sun:)
But it was a great experience

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Josh Hutcherson In His Blue Boxers

pictures sometimes say more than words ...

... Bruna or enjoy the Southern Italian winter sun.

Also on olive networks is not a bad one. To work as a harvest workers - this was Bruna, although not yet ready.

... Milo the cat and of course immediately follows the example of the dog.

Finally, a treat in good company ... ;-)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sore Tummy 33 Weeks Pregnant

Foreign countries - other habits

love of animals has a north-south divide , so lautet der Titel, des vor einigen Monaten in der Online-Ausgabe Der Zeit erschienenen Artikels. In dem Interview berichtet der österreichische Fotograf Toni Anzenberger über seine Erfahrungen mit Hund in fremden Ländern, insbesondere im Süden Europas.

Ein Nord-Süd-Gefälle besteht in der Tierliebe zweifelslos. Es ist einfacher mit Hund ein Hotel, Zimmer oder Ferienwohnung mit Hund in Mittel- oder Nordeuropa zu finden, als in Italien, Griechenland oder Spanien.
Sehr richtig ist allerdings auch die Aussage: "Je hundefreundliche die Nation, desto mehr wird der Hund vermenschlicht und desto mehr Regeln gibt es!"

Auch im tiefsten Süden Europas hat sich die Einstellung to the dog as a pet and companions changed - at least in the younger generation. After fifteen years of residence in the southeast of Italy, I could see this amendment itself. As a rule of thumb: The more rural and original region, the more difficult it is to find a hotel with a dog or a place in the restaurant. But in many cases are just to enjoy these areas ideal for walking the dog and secluded beaches.

If I dog in southern Italy or Greece'm walking, I always assumed that not all of a dog in the house or restaurant like to see and accept this. With a little patience and persistence, I've always found a hotel and the warm South to sit in pubs from spring to fall mostly on the outside terrace. If it rains, our dog is accustomed for a short time to wait in the car.

In the south, for many freedoms: Nobody takes a lot of thoughts on leash, race or even muzzled - although some laws say otherwise. Eschewing the off-season, the most popular beaches with umbrellas, found many a quiet beach for playing and sunbathing. Usually these are the most beautiful stretches of coastline, for which dog owners looking for his four-legged friends have a beach with entertainment, nightclub and amusement?
In high summer, July and August, I avoid it from sea dogs take (except in the early morning or late afternoon), as temperatures often a longer stay for the animal to torment it - and even though my dogs are accustomed to high temperatures!

The South is often more tolerant than you think and always good for a surprise. Thus found our dog Tommy as well as admission into a small ethnographic museum on the Greek island of Lefkada in the Ionian sea - his first museum by the way:).

Tommy dogs with new friends on the beach road in the west Kathisma Lefkada (Greece)

course, the suffering of many animals in Southern Europe not to forget. But considering that more and more people are also interested suburb for the fate of stray dogs and cats and getting involved. Usually make headlines only negative reports, while positive changes are negligible. And so some people wont even like his prejudices ...

I try as a traveler with a dog as a positive to be remembered: One well behaved dog is often more welcome than you think, also in southern Italy appears no one likes looking forward to the legacy of our four-legged friends, and each owner to be found as few dog hairs .. .

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Orange And Brown Bathrooms

Canis the Dog forum

After two years of passing the time had come to our forum to give " Canis the Dog forum " a new and modern look. And this is my result:

We hope that the style and appearance are attractive. The overview and functions in the Forum remained unchanged (the man is ultimately a creature of habit). About a visit or active participation, we are happy of course.

Not only dogs are an issue in the forum, but also many horses cavort and cat owners there, the exchange always happy about their favorite subject experiences.
Personal Smalltalk is of course not too short!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Good Under Seat Sub For A Truck

Natalia Kills

Natalia Kills-mirrors

House After Prom Rentals

I want.

I want, I want want, I.