the Sunrise with dog on the ferry between Brindisi (I) and Igoumenitsa (Gr) enjoy.
A Marine who is funny, a sea journey is beautiful ... As it says in the old, well known folk song. Spring is coming and the one or the other plans, perhaps deserved vacation with his dog. After snow, rain and gray weather, one longs for sun and sea. A trip to Greece is always a Erlbnis, but it looks like the dog on the ferry?
My personal experience with dog on the ferry are quite positive.
In general, dogs are only on the deck or in the for Hunde vorgesehenen Zwingern erlaubt. Der Hund ist selbstverständlich an der Leine zu führen und soll einen Maulkorb tragen. Unser Tommy, ein mittelgroßer Mischlingsrüde, hat keinen Maulkorb getragen - welcher aber griffbereit im Handgepäck steckte, falls jemand danach fragen sollte. Der Fall ist natürlich nicht eingetreten ;-)
Auf einigen Fähren, die Ancona und Venedig mit Griechenland verbinden, besteht die Möglichkeit, den Hund gegen Aufpreis, und in einer Transportbox, mit in die Kabine zu nehmen. Jede Fährgesellschaft scheint hier ihre eigenen Angebote und Vorschriften zu haben.
Am einfachsten ist es für all diejenigen, die mit Wohnmobil " Camping On Board " buchen, wo der Hund im vertrauten, fahrbaren Untersatz bleiben kann.

Bis hier die Theorie, nun die Praxis: Spätestens bei Regen bekommt man auf Deck ein kleines Problem. Eventually the water will of course also on the boards and wet feet and legs are guaranteed. An eight-hour overnight crossing can be extremely long and cold and you should in this case, if a dog is used to draw quite the dog kennel considered.
on some ferries, however, these have me as a dirty, small and described by any dog owner acceptable. From one of the ships of the company Agoudimos operating between Brindisi-Corfu-Igoumenitsa April to October, I can not say this, however. The kennels were on the camping deck were quite clean and spacious, and emergency means an alternative - but usually it rains from spring to fall between southern Italy and Greece little.
Our dog has said it liked on the ferry. The highlight for him was when I rolled out at a late hour, the sleeping bag and I was comfortable to sleep at night. With "mistress" to spend the night together on the concrete "planks", the dog seems to like very much.
A crossing on the ferry seems to be less strenuous than many long car ride for the dogs. You can walk on the deck, watch the sunrise and sunset with the dog to relax and to leave . Forward
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