Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ibeat Illuminated Headphones

Spring liegt in der Luft

Es riecht nach Frühling ... auf den Wiesen und Feldern blüht es, die Schwalben, wie auch andere Zugvögel sind da und wir genießen die noch milde Wetterlage, bevor der Sommer mit seinen hohen Temperaturen kommt.

Was kann mehr Spaß machen, als bei diesem Wetter mit seinen Hunden Aktivitäten in der Natur zu unternehmen?

Für mich sind und bleiben, trotz allerlei „moderner“ Aktivitäten, die man heute oftmals mit seinen Hunden takes, still the most beautiful, where I explore with my dogs, the environment, and nature in the truest sense of the word "sniff out", look under fallen tree trunks, wild plants admire and enjoy the cycle of the seasons still can.
for dogs and humans, it is a very relaxing and also bond together to stop promoting activity in the country - and with some imagination and without a lot of tools, a simple stroll can turn into an interesting investigation course, which all have their fun with.

The olive harvest has been completed for some time, so that the olive groves are currently happy to be investigated by us.

Von Santa Cesarea Terme und Hunde 2009

Von Santa Cesarea Terme und Hunde 2009

Von Santa Cesarea Terme und Hunde 2009

Von Santa Cesarea Terme und Hunde 2009

Auf der Mauer lässt es sich auch balancieren ...
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009

... and as always, Tommy on the move:
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009

course, you can enjoy with your dog just the view and the warm sunshine under a blue sky .
Bruna overlooking the sea:
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009

Bruna below of " la Torre di Santa Cesarea "
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009

A few pictures of Santa Cesarea Terme and the channel of Otranto should not of course missing:
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009

From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009

From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009

From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009

often on our walks, narrow dirt roads Vapours where one or other of rosemary bush with its scent attracts the bees. The dry stone walls along many streets and roads are typical of the Salento.
From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009

From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009

From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009

In mild spring temperatures also makes cycling with Tommy fun . My dog laughs in the truest sense of the word, all over her face when a person enters into the pedals.
From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009

From Santa Cesarea Terme
Primavera 2009

arrived at our destination, must only be inserted a short break in the Pineta.
From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009

From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009

From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009

Even on the simple, if somewhat rocky Meadow there's always plenty to sniff ... and here too the gap is welcome.
From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009

From Santa Cesarea Terme Primavera 2009

Our almost dreizehjährige Mora is still all there:
From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009

From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009

From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009

From Santa Cesarea Terme and dogs 2009


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