Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Orleans Best Brazilian Wax

Italian breeds

Ich möchte eine kurze Übersicht beyond the officially recognized Italian breeds that give some still relatively unknown outside their home country are:

Bracco Italiano or Italian Pointer

A typical pointer, a native of Northern Italy.

Spinone Italiano or Italian Rauharriger Pointing

were also among the continental pointing dogs and is used for hunting in different terrains. Characteristic is his rough coat.

Segugio Italiano a Pelo Raso or short-haired Italian Hound
Segugio Italiano a Pelo Forte or wire-haired Italian Hound

Both races are among the so-called running dogs and differ mainly in the coat, and required minimal in size.

Lagotto Romagnolo or water dog Romagne

Initially he was counting on the water dogs, which can also easily recognized in his curly hair. Today he is regarded as the specialist in the search for truffles.

Cane da Pastore Bergamasco or Bergamasco sheepdog

characteristic is its long fur, which is arranged in "panels" should cover the whole body of the dog. This is the dog whose task is not only the leader but also guard the sheep was / is protected from the elements.

Cane da Pastore Abruzzese Maremmano or Maremma-Abruzzi Sheepdog
A large white livestock guardian dog that has developed in the center and working independently.


Is one of the Bichon-type dogs and is a small, bright and ideal family dog.


A detailed breed description coming soon in this Blog.

Mastino Napoletano

A tall, with up to 90 kg and measuring about 75 cm, impressive Molosser.

Cirneco of Etna

A very ancient breeds, one of the so-called ur-type dogs and has grown in Sicily, where it was used on difficult terrain for hunting hares.

Cane Corso or Corso Dog

A typical, but not very heavily built Molosser. The breed originated in southern Italy.

Piccolo Levriero Italiano or Italian Greyhound

The smallest existing greyhound race, which was originally used for rabbits and rabbit hunting.

Volpino or Italian fox dog

A detailed description of the breed standard will follow shortly.


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