ein wunderschoenes wochenende!
Da dieses Wochenende Volkszaehlung in ganz Ecuador war, war es strengstens verboten das Haus zu verlassen, wir haben das aber gut ausgenutzt...
Weihnachtskekse backen mit den Kids, wobei sie muss man sagen nicht sehr weihnachtlich geworden sind...sie haben nicht nur Vulkane und Herzen gemacht, sondern unter anderem auch Handys und Empanadas (salzige Teigtaschen) :D
Dann haben wir noch einen Spielenachmittag gemacht mit Seilziehen, Besenfussball, Schokoladeessen etc...das war echt ein Mortz-Spass!!!
Sonntag sind wir dann nach der Messe(am Abend), noch with in a small village a bit outside driven by Ambato, where a half-hour walk through must ... then suddenly it has totally started to rain and we're just running in, then were allowed to stay with a family where we will again, have the whole place, put the Jesuskindchen in receiving ... is there such a little baby passed namely from day to day until Weiohnachten another family, which then also entertained the whole place just then, was given as the prayers and the procession of our Madre .... anyway that was a funny mood, as with so many strangers in such a small living room to be and to meet a statue in reception ... we went back, thank God, on the back of a Pitch-ups , But in the stand! that was, not so easily without having to stop the balance not to lose!
On the night today, it was then so far and the Tungurahua erupted! Deep rumbling and red lava in the darkness of the night has seen it from our room! I find that totally fascinating ... namely the volcano is not dangerous, do not worry.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Under 18 Night Clubs In Nj
The Tungurauha (one Volkan located about 20 km from Ambato, so to speak, our "mountain") smokes for the first time and are here and there a deep rumble of himself:) exciting! Is in fact almost constantly active and breaks Gscheid even once every few years from ...
The Tungurauha (one Volkan located about 20 km from Ambato, so to speak, our "mountain") smokes for the first time and are here and there a deep rumble of himself:) exciting! Is in fact almost constantly active and breaks Gscheid even once every few years from ...
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Diy Telephone Connect 3.5mm Headset Diagram
Nachtrag Fotos!
Our walk in Santa Rosa:
Das war unser oestterreichisches Mittagsmenu:
Der Ausflug nach Salinas:
und noch sonstiges Schoenes:
Our walk in Santa Rosa:
Das war unser oestterreichisches Mittagsmenu:
Der Ausflug nach Salinas:
Chimborazo hautnah! |
was ist denn das fuer eine eigenartige pflanze? |
und noch sonstiges Schoenes:
das ist die kleine Maira(5), wie sie sich gerade ihre Waesche waescht |
we have 100 new Kuecker get paid! and soon we are allowed to again witness the slaughter ... by the way chickens are bred on our roof to save the money fundacion |
one of the many Strassenverkaeuferinnen in Ambato |
fiestas de Ambato!! |
and the beautiful sea;) |
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Female Esthetician Discussing Scrotum Waxing
Lluvia, lluvia, lluvia
Nach einer sehr langen HItze-Periode mit viel Sonnenschein, wo die Leute schon um ihre Ernte bangen mussten, hat es nun endlich wieder zum regnen angefangen und wie stark noch dazu!!
Als ich heute in Santa Rosa aus dem Bus gestiegen bin, konnte ich garnicht auf den "Gehsteig", da zwischen mir und Straßenrand sich ein 2m breiter, knöcheltiefer Bach aufgetan hat und ich keine wasserdichten Schuhe hatte. Da musste ich erstmal eine Stelle finden, wo ich drüber springen konnte ;) frozen
half and soaked for 15 minutes then I finally got to the top walk with the children, which cost me a lot of effort, since in such a rain, the unpaved roads make it a not easy ...
homework had the kids then definitely no, and I decided to paint them with water colors, which gave them total gedaugt to escalate to the point when it had wiedermal and have started to trample on their freshly painted works. This has made me be totally evil. I teach them something nice to give them something to please and they destroy it in the end. I have the feeling, the fact that their parents their drawings also appreciated at all, they will simply not be estimated.
I do not know why that always escalates the situation to be ... a time and it is valued at all anymore! This makes me always so sad ... although I know that I absolutely can not take it personally.
As I have arrived now at home as an icicle, I would like to put in a warm bath (which I miss the way, very on some cold days in the Sierra), but there are not simple , a pure dream. Here are only cold showers and if you get lucky and have a shower to a favorable time of day, there veilleicht a little lukewarm water.
I must say for me starts now approaching the time of homesickness. It's not like I want to go home, would not at all, I would be home to nothing, and am so glad I can experience it all here, but you just have to miss starts ... some people, their habits in Austria , the food ... just this rain pushes the mood ...
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Mount And Blade Prop List
Salinas, Epilepsie & Co
This weekend we were in Salinas, a small village in the Andes, actually all around us, where an Italian Salesian is leading a project. The village has previously, that is, until 40 years ago, lived on a salt mine and was accordingly poor. The Salesian project operates with the farmers there is a biological and fair cultivation and production. You can then probably the best cheese of all of Ecuador, the best chocolate (all the good cocoa and coffee that is exported mostly directly to Europe, here in Ecuador's only instant coffee), the best yogurt, delicious whole-grain crackers and much more online. Now the village is very famous for its cuisine, already exported to many other Latin American countries, and tourism begins to bloom. Nevertheless, it has lost none of its charm ... you meet indigenous people on the street with bags packed llamas and donkeys.
We have eaten there and also made good walks. The scenery there is beautiful, taking me somewhat reminiscent of Austria, because the vegetation has similarities ... pine trees and flower meadows of dandelions and clover!
To visit the production we have to come back another time because this is only during the week. The padre has even invited us again, but this time for Christmas with the Chico's from our project. He says we can take walks with them, they can also stay one night for free and get paid a lot of chocolate! The superior we are now seriously ...
Wednesday evening we have nachgefeiert the birthdays of October. But this time was really a funny mood. Some of the Mädls was not good because she scolded by the Madre have been because their grades in school were not the best but still they had to pretend as if nothing had moderate and forced to dance with the Madre. The everything seemed so wrong ... behind the facade it looks then stop but sometimes different.
We also have a new project, Carlito. Which it is mentally not as good. He had a real Auszucker, where he was screaming for his mum, his head beaten against the wall, has made things broken and has beaten every which came to him in his way. It certainly was so bad that the ambulance had come and he had to inspire sedative. Now he still has his regular Auszucker, but somewhat weakened and is almost always inebriated with sedatives. As for his history, we know only that his mother has run away with another man if she took him, he is then run away or been released, we do not know. Only he has a mental illness and his mother not to get along is because he did not take his medication. Supposedly he will reside now only a short time with us, he must be treated in a hospital. This new boy is in any case the whole party to sleep through it from its sedative. In general, some of the children were crying that night. One example, as his father beat up his mom so strong and he knows that he will fight again. What I really like is that the other children can understand the most good as you feel and they are all comforting each other always.
The culmination of this whole evening was then a seizure of a girl. We just wanted to wish the girls good night and how we came into the room is quite cramped one of them in bed. The girls tell us that she was possessed by an evil spirit, and her press a Bible all his heart. In this moment of excitement I have unfortunately forgotten all what you make of epilepsy and we have only taken quickly Madre. Now that I know we have a girl with epilepsy, here I am, of course, immediately asked what you do in such emergencies, because it's not always that the Madre is reached. That was a very nerve-expensive final evening, especially since we had to calm down afterwards, of course, all the crying like crazy and frightened girl.
Thursday I had a very nice day in Santa Rosa. I have introduced a kind of point system, as I do with the children so at first had my problems do homework, I've solved so that I have them for each day where they do their homework quickly and as quietly as possible to get a point when they reached 10 points we have to do something special. That worked very well and now they had reached their 10 points. I have taken with them a 2-hour walk through half of Santa Rosa. The Senora Rosita (grandmother of the children) gave us sweet tostadas (fried corn ... very tasty!) Made and we will correct under a set great climbing tree with a view over the whole of Ambato and picnic! I have brought in addition a bottle of cola, cookies and chips and the kids were just so happy! But at some point has come back to the point where they have all started to hit the little Maira and annoy. She was constantly pushed into the dust and has not been able to stop crying ... I was back all the time just finishing the dispute and they like to discourage them to carve. This has spoiled the end of the walk a bit. This is a real problem up there, I really do not know what more I can do.
All in all it was a very nice afternoon and I was so happy when my Lysette last but a kiss on the cheek and said: "Hoy nos diver timos mucho con usted" (Today we worked with you amused or today it was very funny with you)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Is It Good To Send An E-mail After An Interview
Best of Oktober
A Wochenede we were in Guayaquil and then have another project visited. The boys of the project were Solieb all wanted us and no longer at the end let go.
We are then combined them with the pool back to 15-20 on the back of a pick-up: D This time
Einer meiner chicos in Santa Rosa hatte Geburtstag und hat von mir wohl sein einziges Geschenk bekommen...ein Biene Maya Puzzle. Das liebt er!! dazu hab ich ihnen noch ein paar Chips mitgebracht ;)
Und da noch ein paar Fotos von meiner Arbeit im Zentrum:
And a few photos of the Chico from the hostel, which I always though I'm from Santa Rosa to dinner play: D
and still others:
that was the first birthday party at the hostel. birthdays are always here, namely the amende celebrated the month;) on the photo you see our Madre Narciza |
need a birthday: one shattered his posterior a balloon, of a piece of paper is inside, where a task is it ... |
We are then combined them with the pool back to 15-20 on the back of a pick-up: D This time
have even "white" or "gringos" vor den Autos jongliert...wir haben dafuer sogar 25 centavos bekommen! |
Eine Parade anlaesslich der Unabhaengigkeitstages |
Und da noch ein paar Fotos von meiner Arbeit im Zentrum:
This is the center of Ambato, where I daily on the bus and outgo |
if not from the shoeshine children middle of the street or in the park, can the Ecuadorians clean the shoes here |
And that's my English class ... it is unfortunately only these few children are very much more! |
this is one of Profesorinnen which assists also, fully eaten) |
;) was probably a bit too much on the plate, what am also disturbed that the Kids always have to eat ... |
And a few photos of the Chico from the hostel, which I always though I'm from Santa Rosa to dinner play: D
what's up there? |
and still others:
spotted an indigenous Blumenverkaeuferin in a discotheque |
that was our National Day .. . Mannerschnitten and music from Austria |
Breakfast on the market |
spotted in a park in Guayaquil |
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