Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Female Esthetician Discussing Scrotum Waxing

Lluvia, lluvia, lluvia

Nach einer sehr langen HItze-Periode mit viel Sonnenschein, wo die Leute schon um ihre Ernte bangen mussten, hat es nun endlich wieder zum regnen angefangen und wie stark noch dazu!!
Als ich heute in Santa Rosa aus dem Bus gestiegen bin, konnte ich garnicht auf den "Gehsteig", da zwischen mir und Straßenrand sich ein 2m breiter, knöcheltiefer Bach aufgetan hat und ich keine wasserdichten Schuhe hatte. Da musste ich erstmal eine Stelle finden, wo ich drüber springen konnte ;) frozen
half and soaked for 15 minutes then I finally got to the top walk with the children, which cost me a lot of effort, since in such a rain, the unpaved roads make it a not easy ...
homework had the kids then definitely no, and I decided to paint them with water colors, which gave them total gedaugt to escalate to the point when it had wiedermal and have started to trample on their freshly painted works. This has made me be totally evil. I teach them something nice to give them something to please and they destroy it in the end. I have the feeling, the fact that their parents their drawings also appreciated at all, they will simply not be estimated.
I do not know why that always escalates the situation to be ... a time and it is valued at all anymore! This makes me always so sad ... although I know that I absolutely can not take it personally.

As I have arrived now at home as an icicle, I would like to put in a warm bath (which I miss the way, very on some cold days in the Sierra), but there are not simple , a pure dream. Here are only cold showers and if you get lucky and have a shower to a favorable time of day, there veilleicht a little lukewarm water.
I must say for me starts now approaching the time of homesickness. It's not like I want to go home, would not at all, I would be home to nothing, and am so glad I can experience it all here, but you just have to miss starts ... some people, their habits in Austria , the food ... just this rain pushes the mood ...


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