ein wunderschoenes wochenende!
Da dieses Wochenende Volkszaehlung in ganz Ecuador war, war es strengstens verboten das Haus zu verlassen, wir haben das aber gut ausgenutzt...
Weihnachtskekse backen mit den Kids, wobei sie muss man sagen nicht sehr weihnachtlich geworden sind...sie haben nicht nur Vulkane und Herzen gemacht, sondern unter anderem auch Handys und Empanadas (salzige Teigtaschen) :D
Dann haben wir noch einen Spielenachmittag gemacht mit Seilziehen, Besenfussball, Schokoladeessen etc...das war echt ein Mortz-Spass!!!
Sonntag sind wir dann nach der Messe(am Abend), noch with in a small village a bit outside driven by Ambato, where a half-hour walk through must ... then suddenly it has totally started to rain and we're just running in, then were allowed to stay with a family where we will again, have the whole place, put the Jesuskindchen in receiving ... is there such a little baby passed namely from day to day until Weiohnachten another family, which then also entertained the whole place just then, was given as the prayers and the procession of our Madre .... anyway that was a funny mood, as with so many strangers in such a small living room to be and to meet a statue in reception ... we went back, thank God, on the back of a Pitch-ups , But in the stand! that was, not so easily without having to stop the balance not to lose!
On the night today, it was then so far and the Tungurahua erupted! Deep rumbling and red lava in the darkness of the night has seen it from our room! I find that totally fascinating ... namely the volcano is not dangerous, do not worry.
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