that was the first birthday party at the hostel. birthdays are always here, namely the amende celebrated the month;) on the photo you see our Madre Narciza |
need a birthday: one shattered his posterior a balloon, of a piece of paper is inside, where a task is it ... |
We are then combined them with the pool back to 15-20 on the back of a pick-up: D This time
have even "white" or "gringos" vor den Autos jongliert...wir haben dafuer sogar 25 centavos bekommen! |
Eine Parade anlaesslich der Unabhaengigkeitstages |
Und da noch ein paar Fotos von meiner Arbeit im Zentrum:
This is the center of Ambato, where I daily on the bus and outgo |
if not from the shoeshine children middle of the street or in the park, can the Ecuadorians clean the shoes here |
And that's my English class ... it is unfortunately only these few children are very much more! |
this is one of Profesorinnen which assists also, fully eaten) |
;) was probably a bit too much on the plate, what am also disturbed that the Kids always have to eat ... |
And a few photos of the Chico from the hostel, which I always though I'm from Santa Rosa to dinner play: D
what's up there? |
and still others:
spotted an indigenous Blumenverkaeuferin in a discotheque |
that was our National Day .. . Mannerschnitten and music from Austria |
Breakfast on the market |
spotted in a park in Guayaquil |
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